Pickleball is fun and, at the same time, good cardio. Invented in the backyard to pass leisurely hours for elderly people, it has become the fastest-growing sport in the USA. Besides recreational playing sessions, many have been playing pickleball professionally.

If you are going to improve your playability, you need a partner. However, it is often quite challenging to find a suitable partner who can continue longer, regular sessions. And there comes the necessity of a pickleball machine. Like in tennis, several manufacturers have designed quite good devices suitable for solo practice sessions with accuracy.

What is a pickleball machine?

A pickleball machine is kind of a partner that feeds you balls. It exactly works the same way a tennis ball machine works. You will find the same manufacturer has been designing machines for both tennis and pickleball.

A pickleball machine can throw balls at different speeds and different angles depending on how you set it. You can also adjust it with a different timing or feed rate. Plus, it gives a real-time spin experience. 

Why do you need a pickleball machine?

The hardest part of practicing an unconventional sport like pickleball is that you might not find someone every time you need to throw the ball as per your necessity. Using pickleball machines provides you with many benefits. The main advantage of using a pickleball machine is that you can spend more time on the court practicing enough shots. It is accurate every time it throws a pickleball. Besides, you can practice at any time of the day or night. It can serve you with shots at a stretch without an interval until the charge finishes. And so you don’t have to rely on your partner’s mood or availability.

Another big advantage of it is that ball machine manufacturer also make their products for other court sports like tennis, baseball, etc., so you are getting the ultimate innovative package of their research and renovation on all the sports connected.

Manufacturers like Sports Tutor, SpinShot, Simon, Lobster, Paymate, and Heater know their jobs well. In particular, Sports Tutor and Lobster have gained trust and popularity in this market for their unique features and reliable products.

Is a pickleball machine really necessary?

Pickleball is a shot-depended sport where you have to be skilled through steady practice. Repetitive shots in practice sessions improve your reflexes, calculation, strategy, and strength, leading you to become a professional player over time. However, you need a partner who can participate with you in your practice session or someone who can feed you balls without getting a temper or interval.

And here comes the pickleball machine, which can perform exactly like your game partner. So now you have the idea of how a pickleball machine can play a huge role in your practice. It’s crucial when practice is going to be missed or limited because of partner issues.

Now the question is, is a pickleball machine a good investment? Yeah, but that depends on whether the machine you have chosen can already meet your needs or not. For example, you will find several machines on the market with distinctive features that have sometimes very minor or sometimes significant differences. If you’re a beginner, a mini version of Sports Tutor or Lobster pickleball machine is enough to get you started. As a newbie, you might not be after the high-end costly machines.

However, note that it’s always recommended to consult with your professional coach and experienced picklers while you practice. The biggest disadvantage of a pickleball machine is that it can’t tell you whether your shots and your techniques are okay or wrong. Deliberate practice of the wrong shots or the usual shots will take you to the wrong place instead of taking you to the next level.

Wish you a great practice session with your new pickleball machine.

Benefits of training with a pickleball machine

Now, I will tell you what you get by practicing with a ball machine. First, see some core advantages of them:

  • Start anytime, anywhere.
  • Improve Your Overall Fitness and Footwork
  • Control the Balls as You Want
  • Improve Your Weakness

Start anytime, anywhere

The best part I feel about a pickleball machine is it gives me the freedom of choice to play or practice anytime, anywhere. I no longer have to wait for a partner. I can start my practice whenever I want. That means I now own my schedule as it would be supposed to be.

Scheduling sessions with a partner can be difficult for many reasons and sometimes you can’t blame them for missing a session that would not be in their suitable time. And there comes a machine with the solution of convenient timing that suits you. Moreover, practice with a pickleball machine as long as you want, your partner’s mood no longer determines your session.

Improve your overall fitness and footwork

The longer you play, the longer your fitness and stamina increase. Most pickleball machines come with a ball capacity of 100. With a feed rate of 5 seconds, you can play 8 minutes in a row, which is much higher than the most successful rally you can ever have. Thus, your game becomes better day by day.

And do you worry about the robotic shots every time? I bet you will not get much difference between a human partner and a machine, a machine helps to improve your fitness and footwork the same.

Control the balls as you want

You will be able to control almost everything on the court with a ball-throwing machine, including ball speed, feed rate, spin, and high or low oscillation. Set the machine to a low height for a perfect dink, or a high oscillation for a volley. Want to run more? Set the machine to horizontal movement to shoot from all sides of the court and make you run.

With a minimum feed rate of 1 ball per second, you can practice the same as you would in a fast and intense match.

Improve your weakness

Want to make your weak serve strong or to improve your backhand? While you practice with a hitting partner, naturally, they will not be able to deliver each shot the same way. But, you can expect a machine to do that difficult job tirelessly. With a fixed set of speed, feed rate, oscillation, etc. you can practice the same shot over and over for as long as you need. This traditional practice improves your technique and strategy. You get your weak shot stronger and perfect.

Not that only these machines can throw balls in a single direction every time you set it. You can set it with random oscillation both vertically and horizontally, giving you the chance to practice throughout the court like in a real game.

What to look for in a pickleball machine

All the pickleball machines on the market have standard features, which creates confusion for a beginner as well as for a pro in choosing a suitable machine for them. If you want professional advice, I suggest you go through the following features and decide on the machine that offers the best in your criteria.

Ball Capacity

Ball capacity refers to the number that a machine can throw in a single session at a stretch. The winning point is the more, the better. However, don’t only go after the number, as more capacity is related to the size and capacity of the machine. And if you have to carry it for longer, it’s better to choose a lower-capacity machine with an easily portable weight.

Adjustable Speed

Pickleball machines are adjustable with a minimum to maximum speed. It is comparable to playing tennis, where the average speed of service is around 190-200 km/h or 120 mph. But in pickleball, the average speed is around 90-120 km/h or 60-80 mph. Shots are less speedy in pickleball because of the hollowed pickleball ball, the material of the paddle, and the quick reaction time.

However, pickleball machines are designed for practice, and accordingly, they are found with a minimum speed of 10 km/h to up to 120 km/h.

Spin Ability

In pickleball, spin is the rotation while the ball is in the air, resulting from the type of hit. In a real game or while practicing with humans, you can produce little spin, even if you are a starter in the game. That says every shot from a human has a little spin. And if you are a pro, you have already learned how to spin and know how to make your opponent play defense.

Can a pickleball machine produce spin? Are they efficient enough to produce spins as much as a real player?

The answer can be both yes and no. First, not all machines are designed to produce spin. Still, some of them are featured as being able to produce spinnability.

Secondly, if you are practicing or playing regularly, you might know how to produce backspin, topspin, and sidespin. For you, it’s easy to create spins on your shots as you can move your paddle around your body. But a pickleball machine can’t produce all kinds of spins by throwing balls from wheels. Before selecting one for you, you must check whether spin has already been mentioned in its features.

12 features of a pickleball machine

Oscillation Feature

Oscillation refers to the throwing direction. This feature enables the machine to move its throwing wheels backward and forward. These machines offer two types of oscillation- random and 2-line.

Random oscillation means, as the name- it tosses balls spontaneously in all directions, making you run throughout the court. As the balls come unexpectedly in all directions at high speed, this feature is a great way to practice with the highest effort in every session. However, it will not be effective when you need to practice and improve a similar shot.

Remote Control

The remote control is not a compulsory accessory for pickleball machines, as setting them manually is quite effortless, and most of them come with an adequate ball capacity. Besides, you must purchase the remote control separately or with the machine at an extra cost.

However, some people, including the pro, find it helpful to use the remote control to save time as some manufacturers offer to change settings through smartphones and smartwatches. If you are a beginner, I would suggest using the affordable version without a remote control.

Drills Choice

Pickleball includes a large combination of movements. A machine pre-programmed with the feature of drills to help you improve your game. However, remember, not all brands have developed drills in their products, so if you are a drill lover, check the feature list of the particular product version you have selected.

Power Options with AC/DC and Batteries

Most pickleball machines come with several power charge options. If you often play indoors, an AC-powered battery will be adequate for your session. However, if there’s an outdoor session often, the battery pack is a must. In addition, some machines offer court time of 2-3 hours, while 4-6 hours are also found in some models.

However, the battery has a weight, and if you need to carry it inside and outside daily, think of the battery weight.

Some models have an easy charging option with an external pack that can be carried to charge inside the home separately. On the contrary, some models have to be recharged as a whole unit with a built-in battery. 

Handy Weight

Weight is a significant feature you should think about. If the pickleball machine is always used indoors, it is okay whether it is heavy or not. But if you play outdoors often and therefore have to carry it a lot, you must double-check if the machine’s weight does not bother you.

Easily Carryable

Most pickleball machines are portable. After packing the handler or the top, the device’s size reduces so that an average man can carry it effortlessly. Another essential thing to notice is that they have a proper-sized wheel to move from one place to another. It’s much more helpful when you play outdoors, and the courtyard is, unfortunately, a bit away from the road or parking areas.

For instance, Lobster machines have the biggest wheels, which has made them favorites among picklers who travel a lot. Though the Lobster machines are heavy, they have a longer handle and are easy to carry. On the other hand, the Sports Tutor machines are not good for carrying with their small wheels.

Affordable Price

Almost all the machines start at a minimum price of 800 to 1000 USD. Currently, the Sports Tutor mini is the cheapest model on the market, compared to other several models’ costing up to about 2,000 USD.

Higher-priced models have extra features, including extended battery life, spinnability, increased ball capacity, etc. But most of them have good basic features.

As these machines are more costly than the primary equipment like paddles, shoes, balls, etc., Do not go for the costlier models for the sake of the benefits; aim according to your budget.

Lasting Materials

Like any machine equipment, durability matters for pickleball machines, too, as they often need to be carried outdoors. Some machines are made of molded plastic; some are metal. The metal ones are heavy, but they ensure more longevity than plastic ones.

Longer Warranty

Warranties are an essential part of any electric tool. Most manufacturers provide a 2-year warranty for the machine, while the battery warranty can vary. As per user reviews on eCommerce sites, many people complain about jamming and breaking the throwing wheels. These wheels are expensive and might often need to be replaced if you are a devoted practitioner, as they are the most hardworking part of a pickleball machine.

If you have a warranty, changing it will not be an issue. So, check if your chosen machine offers at least two years of warranty.

How to improve your fitness with a pickleball machine

All modern pickleball machines are designed to shoot the balls with different oscillations, speeds, directions, and feed rates. Combining all types of settings, you get a match-type intense situation, where you have to run and take the shots to avoid faults. With the right setting, you will hardly find a big difference between a hitting partner and a machine or a practice session and a friendly game.

With an average capacity of shooting 100 balls in a row, none will disagree with becoming good at his weakest shot. It’s no longer a dream of training in an 8-minute rally with a 5-second feed rate or a long continuous session of 16 minutes. Moreover, with the options of vertical and horizontal oscillations, you can feel the burn after every single session.

How to improve your skill with a pickleball machine

The pickleball machines can send the balls to a specific spot every time, so if you want to improve a distinct shot, like a drill, it’s your best choice. When you want to test yourself with unpredicted hits, these machines also can feed you with random shots from side-to-side oscillation. The choice of settings seems to me unlimited.

Many players like me need to improve their footwork on the court (I will tell you how this is important in another post). Pickleball machines can make you move around the court, taking you different shots every time it sends the ball to you in a different direction.

How to maintain a pickleball machine regularly

Your pickleball machine needs regular maintenance and repairs. Once a year, seek professional assistance or consult with the manufacturer. I recommend a full checkup for 100 to 150 hours of use. However, regular maintenance does not always need an expert hand.

Following these steps can give your machine a good, active life.

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dust both from the inside and outside. But, never use compressed air, I will not recommend it as it can cause harm to the inside motor.
  • There can be residues on the feeder motor, carefully clean them.
  • Throwing wheels get a thin coat from the ball residues over time, clean them with an iron brush or sandpaper.
  • Any type of chemical cleaner is not recommended, use a damp cloth to clean the hopper and outside of the case.
  • Do not perform the cleaning while the machine is powered on.

How to repair a pickleball machine

As per manufacturers like Spinshot, Lobster, and Pickleball Tutor, most of the repairing jobs can be easily handled by the customer. Those companies have detailed descriptions on their websites. When you need a replacement of faulty or broken parts, you have to do it yourself, taking help from the instruction set sent by the seller.